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I mostly write about Swift, Objective-C, iOS, open source, and other software development topics. Sometimes I write about the ethics of tech, labor, and politics. I also write satire pieces, personal essays, and notes on what I'm currently reading.

A simple fastlane setup for solo indie developers

22 January 2024

I recently setup fastlane for one of my indie apps, Taxatio, to automate uploading builds and metadata to the App Store — by far, one of the most tedious tasks of app development. While I had used fastlane extensively before when working on teams at companies, I had never actually set it up from scratch. In this post, I want to share how to do that, as well as a lightweight configuration that I think works well for solo indie developers — folks on a team of one!


Swift protocol requirement quirks

17 January 2024

Perhaps “quirks” is not the correct description, but I recently encountered some unexpected behavior when modifying a protocol in Swift. While I was initially slightly confused, how Swift handles protocol requirements does make sense — conformances are more lenient than you might think!


App Store screenshot requirements need to change

16 January 2024

Providing screenshots for the App Store has always been a tedious and time-consuming process. But as the number of differently-sized iOS devices has grown and changed over the years, it has become more difficult to manage. (This is why the developer community built tools like fastlane snapshot.) The screenshot requirements for the App Store have increasingly become a burden for developers, especially indies. With the Mac App Store, there are fewer hurdles and less strict requirements. However, if you are now targeting only the latest OS releases and latest hardware, the screenshot requirements for both App Stores are not only burdensome but they no longer makes any sense!


How to fix malfunctioning AirPods

14 November 2023

A few weeks ago my AirPods Pro 2 (with Lightning, not USB-C) suddenly started acting buggy and weird. The case no longer made the chime sound when plugging them in to charge. I stopped getting “Left Behind” notifications from the Find My app. After updating to iOS 17, I could not get them to install the latest firmware, which enables the new features for Adaptive Audio, Conversation Awareness, and Personalized Volume. I had been trying for weeks to follow the magic steps that will trigger a firmware update with no luck. Even worse, after a full charge of both the AirPods and the case, the batteries for all of them would drain to zero percent within 2-3 days.


GitHub Tip: using the involves filter

30 October 2023

When you work on a large team and are participating in many pull requests on GitHub, it can be difficult to keep track of everything you are working on. In addition to opening your own pull requests, you can be assigned to them, you can be requested as a reviewer, you can comment in discussion threads, and you can be mentioned by others. Each of these occurrences requires your attention — perhaps immediately, but always eventually.


Swift URL absoluteString versus path

17 August 2023

Foundation’s URL (née NSURL) is a nearly ubiquitous API on Apple platforms. One of its shortcomings is that it is heavily overloaded – an instance of URL could represent a web URL or a file URL. While there are many similarities between accessing resources on a local disk or on a web server, I think there should be explicit types for each, say WebURL and FileURL.


How to customize NavigationLink accessory views in SwiftUI

18 July 2023

In UIKit, UITableViewCell has a customizable accessory view. You can use one of the few accessory options that is provided by iOS by setting the accessoryType property, or you can provide a custom view using accessoryView, which can be any UIView. The equivalent of constructing a UITableViewCell with a chevron accessory in SwiftUI is using a NavigationLink. Unfortunately, however, SwiftUI does not provide an API to customize the accessory view for a NavigationLink — you are stuck with the default chevron.


Stop prefixing your UserDefaults keys

17 July 2023
Updated: 17 July 2023

UserDefaults is probably one of the most popular APIs on Apple Platforms. It is a highly-optimized key-value persisted store that is backed by a property list, and it is most commonly used for saving small pieces of data like user preferences. Despite its ease-of-use, there is one common anti-pattern I see developers use often.


Creating dynamic colors in SwiftUI

11 July 2023

Beginning with the introduction of dark mode in iOS 13, colors in iOS are now (optionally) dynamic. You can provide light and dark variants for all colors in your app. However, I was surprised to find that SwiftUI — which also made its first appearance on the platform in iOS 13 — still does not provide any API for creating dynamic colors.


Introducing Taxatio

24 April 2023

I’m excited to share that I recently released a new app, a tax calculator for freelancers called Taxatio. It is specifically for self-employed sole proprietors based in the United States — freelancers, consultants, independent contractors, and indie developers (like me!). One of the more confusing and difficult aspects of going independent is taxes. And that’s why I made this. It is a multiplatform SwiftUI app for iOS and macOS available as a universal purchase on the App Store.


Exploring a new iOS codebase

04 April 2023

Whether you are starting a new job or joining a new project, getting oriented in a new iOS codebase can be difficult and overwhelming. It is particularly hard if the codebase is very large, and especially challenging if you are early in your career and do not yet have much experience to draw from.


Improving multiplatform SwiftUI code

23 March 2023

For multiplatform projects where I’m using SwiftUI, it certainly makes developing for multiple platforms at once significantly faster. However, each of Apple’s platforms are different enough that eventually your codebase will be littered with #if os() checks.


Xcode Tip: filter to show modified files only

22 March 2023

Large Xcode projects can be difficult to navigate, especially when you are making a large change across a large number of files. Depending on how your project is configured, modified files will be spread across multiple nested directories and multiple targets.


Xcode Tip: filtering debugger output

02 March 2023

When debugging a large project in Xcode that a large team works on, the console can get quite busy. Logs are everywhere! It can be difficult to sift through the noise, particularly when you have a number of breakpoints configured to log messages, execute debugger commands, and continue after evaluating rather than pause.


Make your terminal tell you when it's done

22 February 2023

When working on large iOS apps, all the tasks you need to perform before you even get started writing code can begin to consume a lot of time. I’m talking about all the preparation that happens in your terminal — pulling the latest changes, bootstrapping the project, etc. During this wait, I usually take a moment to follow-up on emails or Slack messages. But the problem with that is I inevitably end up getting pulled deeper into those tasks and forget to return to the terminal, open Xcode, and start working.


Xcode tip: sharing breakpoints across projects

21 February 2023

In my previous post, I explained how to use symbolic breakpoints to discover when view controllers load their views into memory. Often breakpoints are specific to a project. You’ll create one for a specific class that only exists for that particular app. However, what I discussed in that post would be useful in any project. Unlike regular breakpoints, symbolic breakpoints (at least when set on system frameworks) are more or less universal.


How to find and fix premature view controller loading on iOS

20 February 2023

While working on a very large iOS client project, I was investigating the causes for our slow app launch time. We had a hypothesis that part of the problem was that too many view controllers were getting loaded in memory, in particular, ones that were not even being presented to the user during app startup. What could cause view controllers to load too early? How might you discover this happening? And how do you fix it? Let’s find out.


Upgrading to macOS Ventura

18 January 2023

I finally upgraded to macOS Ventura recently — about a month ago. As usual, I waited until the first point release, 13.1 (22C65). Although I have experienced few severe issues with upgrading over the past few years, a couple of bad experiences and others’ reports of bugs leave me skeptical and apprehensive each year. I miss the old days of OS X when I would upgrade on day one without any concerns at all.
