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Writing by tag: swiftui

SwiftUI app lifecycle: issues with ScenePhase and using AppDelegate adaptors

29 June 2024

SwiftUI introduced the ScenePhase API in iOS 14 and macOS 11. This was SwiftUI’s answer to handling application lifecycle events. At the same time, SwiftUI introduced UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor for iOS and NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor for macOS, which allow you to provide an AppDelegate on both platforms to receive additional application lifecycle events and other events that were missing from SwiftUI at the time. Unfortunately, many of those application event APIs are still missing and ScenePhase has a number of bugs (or at least, unexpected behavior).


How to customize NavigationLink accessory views in SwiftUI

18 July 2023

In UIKit, UITableViewCell has a customizable accessory view. You can use one of the few accessory options that is provided by iOS by setting the accessoryType property, or you can provide a custom view using accessoryView, which can be any UIView. The equivalent of constructing a UITableViewCell with a chevron accessory in SwiftUI is using a NavigationLink. Unfortunately, however, SwiftUI does not provide an API to customize the accessory view for a NavigationLink — you are stuck with the default chevron.


Creating dynamic colors in SwiftUI

11 July 2023

Beginning with the introduction of dark mode in iOS 13, colors in iOS are now (optionally) dynamic. You can provide light and dark variants for all colors in your app. However, I was surprised to find that SwiftUI — which also made its first appearance on the platform in iOS 13 — still does not provide any API for creating dynamic colors.


Introducing Taxatio

24 April 2023

I’m excited to share that I recently released a new app, a tax calculator for freelancers called Taxatio. It is specifically for self-employed sole proprietors based in the United States — freelancers, consultants, independent contractors, and indie developers (like me!). One of the more confusing and difficult aspects of going independent is taxes. And that’s why I made this. It is a multiplatform SwiftUI app for iOS and macOS available as a universal purchase on the App Store.


Improving multiplatform SwiftUI code

23 March 2023

For multiplatform projects where I’m using SwiftUI, it certainly makes developing for multiple platforms at once significantly faster. However, each of Apple’s platforms are different enough that eventually your codebase will be littered with #if os() checks.


Sharing cross-platform code in SwiftUI apps

19 August 2022

The main appeal of building apps in SwiftUI is being able to share UI code across platforms, in particular iOS and macOS. It is not perfect and you often have to do some #if os() checks, but when it works it is truly great. Before SwiftUI was around, you could already share a lot of (non-UI) code between iOS and macOS. Many of the system frameworks are available on both platforms, for example Foundation and Core Data. Occasionally there are API differences, but they rarely impose a significant burden.


SwiftUI tips for organizing multiplatform projects

19 November 2021

If you are working on a multiplatform SwiftUI project, you will start accumulating #if os() checks and #if canImport() checks. Overtime, these start to accumulate and — in addition to being unsightly — they make your code much more difficult to read. When possible, I have started to encapsulate these preprocessor directives to improve code organization and readability.


First impressions of SwiftUI

12 November 2021

I’ve spent this past week diving into SwiftUI, seriously, for the first time. As you know, I’ve been keeping my eye on it since it was released, but I’ve avoided it due to a combination of hesitancy, apprehension, and just being too busy with other projects and work. However, while taking some time off from contracting work, I decided to dive in.


Is SwiftUI ready?

01 July 2021
Updated: 08 October 2021

I’ve been following what’s going on with SwiftUI since it was released with iOS 13 at WWDC 2019 and have even taken extensive notes, but I have avoided using it. As I wrote before, I mainly wanted to avoid dealing with bugs and workarounds that might make me less productive compared to using UIKit, which I know quite well. I’m very interested in learning and using it, I’m just hesitant given some of Apple’s history, like early years of Swift. I have no doubt that SwiftUI will be the future of Apple platform development, the question is when that future will arrive. This year the framework is debuting its third major release in iOS 15. How far has SwiftUI come, and is it ready for building serious apps?


Resources for learning SwiftUI

07 April 2021

A few months ago, I shared my notes and resources for learning about compilers and LLVM. It turned out to be pretty popular and folks seemed to find it useful. So I decided to do it again, but this time for SwiftUI. However, unlike learning about compilers and LLVM, I am not declaring bankruptcy with learning SwiftUI. While I have still not written a single line of SwiftUI code, I know I eventually will.
