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I enjoy speaking at conferences and meetups to share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences about programming, software, and community — particularly open source, iOS, Swift, and Objective-C. You can find the materials and details for all of my talks on GitHub and all of my slides on Speaker Deck.

Feel free to contact me about speaking at your event!

Upcoming talks

Upcoming talks will be listed here as they are announced.

Past talks

19 Nov 2017 Adapting to change: designing for modularity and maintainability try! Swift India Grand Magrath Hotel
Bangalore 🇮🇳
19 Oct 2017 Exploring Swift’s numeric types and protocols iOS Conf Singapore Nanyang Polytechnic
Singapore 🇸🇬
06 Jun 2017 WWDC 2017 Swift Panel WWDC Swift Panel The Westin
San Jose 🇺🇸
08 Nov 2016 Pushing the limits of protocol-oriented programming Swift Summit Palace of Fine Arts
San Francisco 🇺🇸
23 Sep 2016 140 proposals in 30 minutes FrenchKit Pan Piper
Paris 🇫🇷
28 Jul 2016 Keynote Panel Forward Swift Regency Ballroom
San Francisco 🇺🇸
13 Jun 2016 WWDC Swift Live Panel, take 2 WWDC Swift Panel Realm
San Francisco 🇺🇸
04 Mar 2016 Contributing to open source Swift try! Swift Tokyo Cyber Agent
Tokyo 🇯🇵
28 Jan 2016 Swifty view controller presenters Swift meetup (SLUG) Realm
San Francisco 🇺🇸
14 Apr 2015 Using Core Data in Swift Swift meetup (SLUG) Realm
San Francisco 🇺🇸